Lesson Plan


NAME OF TEACHER: Ms. L. Malaza               NAME OF SCHOOL: Mbabane Central High
CLASS: Form 2C                                              DATE: 10 October 2019
SUBJECT: Business Studies                              TIME: 45 Minutes
SUB-TOPIC: Characteristics of money
LESSON AIM: to make learners appreciate the characteristics of money

LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, the learners must be able to:
      Define money; barter trade
      Identify the problem encountered in barter trade.
      State and explain the characteristics of money
   Justify whether they would want to trade with cash or use barter trade.

TEACHING AIDS: Notes and coins, oranges and tomatoes, chart and flash cards, Business Studies textbook, multimedia projector.

METHODOLOGY: Question and answer method, role playing, group discussion method





Definition of money

5 minutes
Teacher asks learners if they have any notes or coins and also their understanding of the term ‘money’
Teacher further tells learners that before money was introduced, people used to exchange goods and services. Give an example of barter trade.
Ask learners to do a role play.

Show the teacher notes and coins. Attempt to define money in their own words.
Write down the definition of money in their note books
Learners do a role play on barter trade.

Stage 1

Problems of barter trade

10 minutes

Ask learners to identify the problems encountered in barter trade, in their groups.
Teacher moves around supervising the groups and assisting learners where they have problems
Learners report back on their findings.
Learners write down the problems of barter trade in their note books
Stage 2
Groups report back

10 minutes

Teacher asks learners to report back on their findings.
Teacher builds up learners’ responses and jot down the main points on the board
Learners report back on their findings.
Learners write down the problems of barter trade in their note books
Stage 3


10 minutes

Teacher emphasises that the shortfalls of barter trade have led to the use of money. He then asks learners to list down the characteristics of money by building on the drawbacks of barter trade.
In pairs, learners list the characteristics of money.
-          Durability
-          Scarcity
-          Portability
-          Uniformity
-          Divisibility
-          Acceptability

10 Minutes

Teacher puts a chart on the board bearing the characteristics of money and asks learners to fill in gaps using flash cards
Teacher show learners pictures on a projector of how barter trade is done and then asks learners whether they would want to do their transactions using cash or barter trade
Pupils will participate in the gap filling exercise.
Copy down notes.
Pupils justify the method of payment they prefer.

LESSON EVALUATION: Work planned was successfully covered. The objectives were achieved. The role play was very effective in helping to conceptualise barter trade and envisage the problems that are encountered therein such as valuation of goods. However, role play only looked at exchanges within the classroom so no portability of goods had to be emphasised by the teacher using examples. The group discussions went on well. Learners easily converted the problems of barter trade into characteristics of money. The chart and flash cards motivated the learners and helped in summarising the lesson quickly.

TEACHER EVALUATION: Teacher demonstrated mastery of content and managed the group discussions in pairs work very well. Lesson pacing was moderate, hence; teacher managed time very well. Teacher managed involve learners continuously and he also displayed good class management skills. Questioning skills were up to scratch, however, there is a need to remain focused as at one-time teacher got carried away with learners’ questions on barter trade.


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